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Beautiful golden rutile garden quartz. Each piece is unique and beautiful. Not all contain lodolite (i.e., garden quartz, scenic quartz, inclusion quartz), but all contain beautiful gold rutile. These pieces are semi-polished and direct from the mines of Minas Gerais Brazil.

A: 75g.
B: 21g.
C. 27g.
D. 33g.
E. 27g.
F. 40g.
G. 19g.
H. 33g.
I. 29g.
J. 21g.
K. 22g.
L. 24g.
M. 9.5g.
N. 14g.
O. 14g.
P. 14g.
Q. 14.4g
R. 22g.
S. 18g.
T. 18g.
U. 21g.
V. 15g.
W. 15g.
X. 16g.
Y. 15g.
Z. 12g.

You Pick! Gold Rutilated Quartz with Lodolite Inclusions / Small Freeform Rutile

SKU: 1607953748
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